Using Models in Repro#

This tutorial will cover some basics about what users of Repro need to know to use the models in the library.

Predict and Predict Batch#

Each model currently has a predict() and predict_batch() method. The predict() method is meant for running the model on a single example, whereas predict_batch() is for multiple, which is often significantly more efficient than calling predict() multiple times. predict() is almost always a wrapper around predict_batch() which wraps the example in a list.

The input to predict_batch() is typically a list of examples, where each example is a dictionary. The keys for those dictionaries should correspond to the parameters of predict(). Here is an example:

from typing import Dict, List
from repro.models import Model

class MyModel(Model):
    def predict(self, candidate: str, reference: str, **kwargs) -> str:
        return self.predict_batch([{"candidate": candidate, "reference": reference}], **kwargs)[0]
    def predict_batch(self, inputs: List[Dict[str, str]], **kwargs) -> List[str]:
        candidates = [inp["candidate"] for inp in inputs]
        references = [inp["reference"] for inp in inputs]
        # Run the rest of predict_batch

Optional parameters to predict() should be handled accordingly by predict_batch().

GPU Access#

Some models use a GPU. To restrict a model to use a particular GPU, you have to pass that device ID to the model’s device parameter. Setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable does not work.

Downloading the Docker Image#

Each model has a Docker Image published on Docker Hub. The images are versioned to ensure that the code and the Docker images are always compatible.

When you run a model for the first time and do not specific a specific Docker Image, the default image will be downloaded from Docker Hub. This default image name is defined in models/<model-name>/ If you want to directly download this image, you can run

repro pull <model-name>

Since the image versions are hard-coded, new updates to the image should not break your repro version since they will use updated version tags.

Creating a Custom Docker Image#

Each image which is published to Docker Hub uses the model’s default configuration. You may need to use a custom image which contains optional pre-trained models, for example, which will require re-building the Docker image. This can be done via

repro setup <model-name> --image-name <image-name>

Run repro setup <model-name> --help to see what other parameters you can specify.

Then, you have to pass your new image name to your model (the name that you specified for <image-name>). For example, model = MyModel(image="new-image").


Each model has its own Readme under its models/<model-name> directory, which should list useful informationi about what models are implemented. The Repro model’s Python wrapper is located under repro/models/<model-name> in case you need to understand what its parameters mean.